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Photos: Isiwapilzin Tućinamit
Miss Teen Our Community/ Señorita Nuestra Comunidad
(Kennedy Center's Local Theatre Festival 2023)

Local Theatre Festival - Studio F Schedule
(standing) Ixchel Hernandez as Talsital, Petrona Xemi Tapepechul as Xućit, Alexa Rodriguez as Noya Ehegat, Michelle Medrano as Abuelita Rosita, Helena Colindres as Titi Tunalku. 
(sitting) Trilingual ASL-English-Spanish Interpreters, Hector Torres & Martín Valle.
(front) Ixchel Hernandez as Talsital, Petrona Xemi Tapepechul as Xućit
(l-r) Spanish/English Captioner Diego Molina ;
Quasa Ventura reading  Stage Directions
(l-r) Michelle Medrano as Iyulu, Helena Colindres as Pageant Host
(standing) Ixchel Hernandez as Talsital, Petrona Xemi Tapepechul as Xućit, Alexa Rodriguez as Noya Ehegat, Michelle Medrano as Abuelita Rosita, Helena Colindres as Titi Tunalku. 
The Cast (l-r): Quasa Ventura, Ixchel Hernandez, Helena Colindres, Alexa Rodriguez, (altar), Petrona Xemi Tapepechul, Michelle Medrano

Videos: Isiwapilzin Tućinamit
Miss Teen Our Community/ Señorita Nuestra Comunidad
(Kennedy Center's Local Theatre Festival 2023)

(l-r) Ixchel Hernandez as Talsital, Petrona Xemi Tapepechul as Xućit, Alexa Rodriguez as Noya Ehegat, Michelle Medrano as Abuelita Rosita, Helena Colindres as Titi Tunalku
singing "Xućigisa An Ne Nawat"
Petrona Xemi Tapepechul as Xućit
singing "Ne Tahqil Ćiltik"
Helena Colindres as Titi Tunalku
singing "Ne Gah Gićiwat Ne Gumit wan ne Gumal"
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