Isiwapilzin Tućinamit
Miss Teen Our Community/ Señorita Nuestra Comunidad
A pair of cousins compete in “Miss Teen Our Community”, a community pageant held by the Nawat Tribe, celebrating the Bands of the community. The Cousins, with help from the adults in their life, fight for their language to survive. Trilingual play for young audiences features original songs by internationally renowned Nawat language singer and educator, Nanzin Anatacia Lopez Lopez.

This staged reading was made possible with support from the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts as part of Social Impact’s Local Theatre Festival 2023/ Esta lectura dramatizada fue posible gracias al apoyo del John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts como parte del Festival de Teatro Local 2023 del programa Impacto Social,
More information/Mas informacion: Kennedy Center Local Theatre Festival
Sat., Sept. 2, 2023 /Sab. 2 de Sept., 2023
Kennedy Center (2700 F St., NW, Washington, D.C. 20566), The REACH, Studio F 9:45am-10:30am
There will be/Habra:
ASL-Interpreted/Interpretacion de Lengua de Señas Estadoniudense
Open Captions/Subtitulos Abiertos (English & Castellano)